//Variable permettant de stocker les informations d'un gène au click
VIEW="singleGene"; //possible value : "singleGene", "geneList"
jQuery('#splitter').jqxSplitter({ height: 950, width: '100%', theme: theme, panels: [{ size: '30%' },{ size: '70%'}] });
jQuery('#rightContainer').jqxSplitter({ height: '100%', width: '100%', orientation: 'horizontal', theme: theme, panels: [{ size: '72%' },{ size: '28%'}] });
//search genes
/* Mise en forme */
jQuery("#menu").jqxMenu({ width: '100%', height: '30px', showTopLevelArrows: true,theme: theme });
jQuery("#datasetMenu, .changeDatasetBtn").click(function(e){
//datset description
jQuery("#datasetDescriptionPanel").jqxPanel({ width: "97%", height: "85%", theme: theme, autoUpdate: true });
jQuery(".changeDatasetBtn").jqxButton({ width: 200, height:45, theme: theme});
Copy and paste a list of genes or probe sets (one by row, max : 10000 genes).
You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.
Please enter a Gene Name (ex: TP53) or an Affymetrix Probe Sets ID (ex: 201746_at) or a Key Word (ex : phosphatase)
You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.
Select a file type to save your file.
Gene expression profiling / Coexpression analysis
Copy and paste a list of genes or probe sets (one by row, max : 10000 genes).
You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.
To analyse only one gene
click here
Please enter a Gene Name (ex: TP53) or an Affymetrix Probe Sets ID (ex: 201746_at) or a Key Word (ex : phosphatase)
You are out of limit! Please, reduce the number of genes to 10000.
Microarray Data Analysis Wizard
- Data sets
- Selected data table
- Analysis Tools
- Review selection
Tools for data analysis
Please, select a tool to analyze the data...
Add file
You have to be connected to get access to your G-Space. Please click here to log-in or sign up if you are'nt already a member.
Your G-space gives you the ability to save online your favorites gene lists and datasets for subsequent analysis.
Your G-space gives you the ability to save online your favorites gene lists and datasets for subsequent analysis.
Current dataset: human_plasma_cell_differentiation_mas5 (see the description below)
Current gene set:
Please, click on subimt button (left pannel) or change the selected dataset
(right pannel, tool bar).
- Expression Profile
- Coexpression analysis
- Annotation
STEP I - Select a dataset of interest:
Healthy tissues or cells
- B to plasma cells (n = 3)
- Human plasma cell differentiation GCRMA (sample =38)
- Human plasma cell differentiation GCRMA unlogged (sample =38)
- Human plasma cell differentiation MAS5 (sample =38)
- B to plasma cells (n = 3)
Cancer tissues or cells
- Colorectal (n = 1)
- Hong Colon (sample =82)
- Leukemia (n = 1)
- Friedman Leukemia (sample =68)
- Lung (n = 1)
- Sanchez Lung (sample =91)
- Lymphoma (n = 1)
- Lenz Lymphoma (sample =420)
- Myeloma (n = 4)
- HM Myeloma 1 (sample =236)
- HM myeloma cell lines (sample =42)
- HM Myeloma Microenvironment (sample =27)
- Zhan Myeloma (sample =345)
- Pancreatic (n = 1)
- Badea Pancreatic (sample =78)
- Colorectal (n = 1)
Healthy tissues or cells
STEP II - Select the groups of interest:
Current dataset description:
Plot options
- Title
- Axis
Show title
Title : 
Font :
Y (min) :
Y (max) :
Log scale/Normalize:
Show tick mark labels
Font :
Rotation angle:
- Annotation
- Expression Plot
Save network
Continuous color
Color continuously according to the correlation coefficent
Change dataset
Current dataset description: