webSAM : online Significance Analysis of Microarrays
- Choose Datasets
- SAM Result
- Expression View
STEP I - Select a dataset and the subgroups of interest :
STEP II - Filter and statistical test settings :
- Probe set filter
- Statistical test settings
Keep only protein coding genes
Keep only one probe set per gene/ncRNA (with the highest standard deviation (SD))
Number of probe sets with the highest SD:
Test: | FDR ≤: | ||
Fold change ≥: | Permutation: |
Data are: |
Top genes to show in heatmap: |
webSAM output :
Export the Gene Set
Analyze the gene set
Add Res. to MyGspace
Heatmap of Top

Expression/Coexpression Report
- Expression Profile
- Coexpression Analysis
- Annotation
Plot options
- Title
- Axis
Show title
Title : 
Font :
Y (min) :
Y (max) :
Log scale/Normalize:
Show tick mark labels
Font :
Rotation angle:
Genes/ncRNA coexpressed with
Correlation method: | Correlation coefficient ≥: | P value ≤: | Top correlated genes to draw: | Submit |
- Annotation
- Coexpression Plot
Download The Plot |
Legend |

Color continuously according to the correlation coefficent
Heatmap of the top differentially expressed genes
Heatmap of the top10 genes most differentially expressed

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Your G-space gives you the ability to save online your favorites gene lists and datasets for subsequent analysis.
Your G-space gives you the ability to save online your favorites gene lists and datasets for subsequent analysis.