Bonome, Ovarian cancer

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Gene expression profiling of 185 primary ovarian tumors and 10 normal ovarian surface epithelium using the Affymetrix human U133A microarray.
Data processing: Robust Multi-Array Analysis was performed.

Information about this file
GenomicScape ID GS-DT-21
Species Homo sapiens
Cell types Ovarian
Study types Gene expression by array
Plateform/chip Affymetrix Human Genome U133 A
Normalization RMA
Log2 scale ? yes
Number of samples 195
Grouping factors cell_subpopulations; status
Survival data OS|OS_YEARS|Overall survival
External database Name: GEO | ID: GSE26712 | Link:
Citations Bonome T, Levine DA, Shih J, Randonovich M et al. A gene signature predicting for survival in suboptimally debulked patients with ovarian cancer. Cancer Res 2008 Jul 1;68(13):5478-86. PMID: 18593951
Organization MGH, Boston, USA
Contact Name: Michael Birrer; Email:; Phone: 6177244800; Laboratory: Surgical Oncology Research Labs; Department: Medicine; Institute: MGH; Address: 70 Blossom Street; City: Boston; State: MA; Zip/postal_code: 02114; Country: USA
File name code homo-sapiens_ovarian_gene-expression-by-array_affy-hg-u133a_rma_GSE26712_GS-DT-21_2014-06-30
Size 6.47 Mb
Upload date 06/30/14
Publication date 06/30/14
Date of release or last update 03/11/15
Number of views 2795 times