Staudt, Follicular lymphoma with or not t(14;18)

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Gene expression profile of follicular lymphoma With and Without Translocation t(14;18). Fresh-frozen tumor-biopsy specimens were obtained from 184 untreated patients who had received a diagnosis of follicular lymphoma. RNA was extracted from the biopsy specimens and was examined for gene expression with the use of Affymetrix U133A and U133B microarrays.
In this current data set data from U133A and U133B has been merged because these two arrays are complementary. There are only 100 overlapping probe sets. For these overlapping probesets gene expression from U133A has been kept in the merged file.

Information about this file
GenomicScape ID GS-DT-49
Species Homo sapiens
Cell types Lymphoma
Study types Gene expression by array
Plateform/chip Affymetrix Human Genome U133 A/B
Normalization MAS5
Log2 scale ? yes
Number of samples 184
Grouping factors cell_subpopulations; stage; LDH_ratio; extranodal_sites; age; IPI_score; presence_of_translocation
Continuous factors immune_response_1
Survival data OS|OS_YEARS|Overal survival
External database Name: GEO | ID: GSE16131 | Link:
Citations ---
Organization ---
Contact Name: Louis,M.,Staudt; Email:; Phone: 301-402-1892; Fax: 301-496-9956; Laboratory: Louis M Staudt; Department: Metabolism Branch; Institute: National Cancer Institute; Address: 9000 Rockville Pike, Bldg 10, Rm 4N114; City: Bethesda; State: MD; Zip/postal_code: 20892; Country: USA
File name code homo-sapiens_lymphoma_gene-expression-by-array_affy-hg-u133ab_mas5_GSE16131_GS-DT-49_2015-04-17
Size 13.21 Mb
Upload date 04/17/15
Publication date 04/17/15
Date of release or last update 04/17/15
Number of views 1413 times