Clozel, DLBCL cell lines

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A microarray gene expression data of DLBCL cell lines before any treatment. Two biological replicates by cell line. Roche NimbleGen HG17_Human_60mer_1in2 was used. Data are RMA-normalized, log2 transformation, averaged between biological replicates gene-level signal intensity.

Information about this file
GenomicScape ID GS-DT-53
Species Homo sapiens
Cell types Lymphoma
Study types Gene expression by array
Plateform/chip Roche NimbleGen HG17_Human_60mer_1in2
Normalization RMA
Log2 scale ? yes
Number of samples 30
Grouping factors cell_subpopulations; genotype
External database Name: GEO | ID: GSE28744 | Link:
Citations Clozel T, Yang S, Elstrom RL, Tam W et al. Mechanism-based epigenetic chemosensitization therapy of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Cancer Discov 2013 Sep;3(9):1002-19. PMID: 23955273
Organization Weill Cornell Medical College
Contact Name: thomas clozel; Email:; Phone: 212-746-7622; Fax: 212-746-8866; Laboratory: Ari Melnick; Department: Hematology-Oncology; Institute: Weill Cornell Medical College; Address: 1300 York Avenue; City: New-York; State: NY; Zip/postal_code: 10023; Country: USA
File name code homo-sapiens_lymphoma_gene-expression-by-array_rochenimblegen-hg17human60mer1in2_rma_GSE28744_GS-DT-53_2015-11-20
Size 1.83 Mb
Upload date 11/20/15
Publication date 11/20/15
Date of release or last update 11/20/15
Number of views 1715 times